List of Articles

Journal of The Korean Institute of Defense Technology. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2021

Compressed Sensing Based Clutter Rejection of UWB Radar for Near Field Detection of Moving Drones
압축센싱 기반의 UWB 클러터 제거를 통한 비행 드론의 근거리 탐지 성능 개선
J. Korean Inst. Def. Technol. 2021;3(1):001-005.
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Consideration of interlocking control and standard messages to secure joint and interoperability
합동성 및 상호운용성 확보를 위한 연동통제 및 표준 메세지에 대한 고찰
J. Korean Inst. Def. Technol. 2021;3(1):007-010.
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